Believe it or not, your reunion planning team has been planning this reunion for well over a year. We signed on for this back in late 2020 and started meeting in January of 2021, meaning we’re coming up on 15 months of meetings and chatter. And most of that chatter happened in Slack.
As we move inexorably towards this event we pondered what to do with the Slack environment and also how best to communicate with those coming. We do have a Google Group (and all who have RSVP-ed should have received their first email to that group so if you haven’t seen that, check your spam!), but we were hoping for a more fluid and immediate way of staying in touch that avoid digging into email or a giant text message. Best we could come up with was to repurpose our Slack Planning environment for the reunion event and – if people are interested – for chatter moving forward.
Here’s how this works. Use the button above to send us your name and the email address that you want to use to connect to the Slack environment. You’ll receive an invite shortly thereafter to set up your account and get connected. Slack has an app for that, or you can just connect via the web; it’s pretty flexible.
More instructions on using Slack are available once you get connected, or you can always take a dive into Slack’s own documentation and/or video tutorials.
Our plan is to use this environment for random chatter and questions ahead of the reunion, and for continued conversations, if people would like, after the reunion. But we will primarily use this during the reunion as a way to let the folks attending get updates on the core events, share points and times for meeting up ad hoc, and post those photos that are really supposed to stay in Vegas.
Hope to see you online!