In 2019, some former band members started planning a “Band Reunion” for Summer 2020, because 20 year reunions were popping up for a lot of us and we realized that most of the people we wanted to see were in the band and that the people we wanted to see weren’t necessarily all in our graduating class. That plan got torpedoed by COVID, but is still in the works for Summer 2022.

Then Lance got this idea to get together in Las Vegas (for all these reasons) and we started planning again (but with a different group at the helm). It’s become obvious to us that there are a lot of alumni who wouldn’t mind re-connecting with other alumni on a regular basis. Additionally, our alumni still have an affinity for the school and the arts programs.

So, as mentioned in a previous post, part of the intent of this trip is to help fundraise for Leesville‘s arts programs. But, beyond that, we think there is more opportunity to support Leesville’s organizations that (arguably) shaped the people we are today.

Continued support requires continued engagement and continued engagement benefits from some kind of structure. With that said, we (the knuckleheads that have been planning this Vegas thing) propose the formation of a “Leesville Arts Alumni Association”, or “LAAA” for short, which must be sung every time you say it.

So, what would be LAAA’s mission? That’s tough to say — and we don’t want to make it seem like this is “our thing.” We see LAAA as having a two fold purpose: 1) to engage and connect alumni and 2) figure out ways to support the arts at Leesville. Alumni engagement would be the primary purpose — a group for us, but as possible and helpful, we could find things to do to benefit the current arts students (and future LAAA members).

This is an idea; an idea that needs your input and involvement. We (the Knucklehead Krew), want to be involved, but don’t necessarily need to drive the direction. So, if you do have interest in helping to get the LAAA off the ground, please email James and we can look for a time to have an informal Zoom meeting to chat about the idea!

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